Empowered Boundary-Setting Workshop with Coach Hailey Magee

  • 03 Nov 2021
  • 12:00 PM
  • zoom


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Empowered Boundary-Setting Workshop with Coach Hailey Magee

Date: Nov 3rd, 2021
Time: 12:00 EST


This 90-minute virtual workshop is for you if you’ve ever thought to yourself, "How do I set a boundary and be compassionate at the same time?” “How can I find the right words?” "What if they don't like my boundary? If they argue or push back, how can I enforce it?"

Boundaries are a form of verbal self-defense. As protective tools that explain what we will or will not tolerate, boundaries are the key to breaking the people-pleasing pattern and living in an authentic, free, and empowered way.

You will leave with:

(1) Specific language for boundary-setting

(2) Coping tools for difficult boundary conversations

(3) Strategies to enforce your boundaries in the face of resistance

(4) A powerful vision of the many ways you’ll benefit from empowered boundary setting


Hailey Magee

Bio: Hailey Magee is a certified Codependency Recovery Coach who helps individuals of all ages break the people-pleasing pattern, set empowered boundaries, and master the art of speaking their truth.

